What To Expect

Here's all the info you need to come ready to heal. If you have any other questions, please reach out.
standard 60 minute appointment

For your healing benefit, we segment the process into 3 healing sessions.

In a standard hour long healing session, you can choose to book in-person or virtual. If seeking in-person healing, you can select to come to my healing studio or I can come to your space (travel fees included).

After deciding which session meets your needs, you will arrive with comfortable clothing and an intention.

I will tap in, and connect to your guides, give you an overall reading, and then we move into the healing session. You'll lie down on the healing table, and I will channel the clearing energy to remove blockages in your psychical, mental, and emotional energy fields.

Energy Healing

I move energy through the body and release blocks.

Psychic Soul Connection

In every session I tap into your guides and deliver needed messages.

Sound Healing

While you're resting, I may or may not feel called to clear certain blocks using sound. This may include tuning forks, gongs, bells, bowls, etc.
The Process

Articulate your process in concise manner.


Consolation Call

Book a discovery call so we can set an intention in working together.


Book A Bundle

If it feels aligned, join me for 3 sessions of energy work and psychic healing.



Step into a higher vibration that will start to transform every area of your life.

Ready to Talk?

Book A Consultation